Sunday, March 18, 2018


One of the symptoms of depression is not wanting to be with others and losing interest in activities.  These symptoms can occur with mild to severe depression.  During my mild depression, I just didn't want to do anything with my family or daily things like going to the grocery or doing dishes.  All I wanted to do was sit and/or sleep.  However, during my deepest depression, I would stay in bed all day in the dark with my door closed.  Sometimes I would turn my phone off and just disconnect.  Doing this made it easier for me because I didn't have to lie to anyone when they asked 'how are you?'  Plus if I stayed home no one could tell what kind of mood I was in.  It is extremely difficult for me to disguise how I'm feeling.  I do not "fake it" well.  

Later in my years of depression after a lot of counseling, I was encouraged to find activities to do and just force myself to go.  I will have to admit this was a very big challenge for me.  However, what did help was when I got involved in a woman's group at church and volunteering.  Not only did this help me find friends and people I could trust, it forced (for lack of a better word) me to get out of the house.  I am a responsible person so I don't want to let anyone down, therefore, it was not easy for me to back out of something I said I would do.  Amazingly enough, after I went to the activity, whatever that would be, i.e. church, activities with family, dinner and a movie with friends, etc., I felt so much better that I went.  So I encourage you to find something to do to help get out of depression.  So let me encourage you to just take that first step.  Small steps are better than no steps!!!