Thursday, September 17, 2015


I enjoyed the movie "The Help".  Aibileen Clark was a character in the movie who was a nanny for a 3 year old little girl.  When the little girl woke up in the mornings and/or from her naps, Aibileen would always tell her "You is kind.  You is smart.  You is important."  She was trying to instill self worth in this little girl.  In this movie, the little girl's mother was always demeaning her.

It made me think about the things we tell ourselves and where those things came from.  You might be saying that only those of us who came from bad homes, had verbally abusive families, alcoholics, etc. would have low self worth.  I can say from personal experience that is not always the case.

Maybe you had people who made fun of you in school or maybe you are or have been in an abusive relationship.  Maybe you had a bad home life without any encouragement and nothing you could do was right.  For me, I wanted so badly to be liked by others even into my adult years.  Many of us look to other people to find our self worth.  If we do something "someone else" thinks is wrong, we are a bad person, an unkind person, or a worthless person.

Sometimes, we are our own worst enemies.  Let me ask you something.  Have you ever thought about what you think about?  I know that sounds bizarre, but hang in there with me.  My pastor was telling us one day how many thoughts that goes through our head in one day; it was up in the 10s of thousands.  So I decided to be more conscious about what I think or tell myself.  It was an interesting experiment.  Here are some of the conversations that went through my head:  your outfit makes you look fat, you didn't go to church last night so you are a horrible person; you deserve what's coming to you, you cannot follow through with anything, you can't help any one because you have been through depression, you don't pray enough so you don't have a good relationship with God, do you really think you can be a better person.......

BUT the dialogue I had with myself is not true.  God made us all in His image.  God does not demean us!  God does not say if you don't do this I won't love you.  EACH and EVERY one of you is someone special no matter what you or anyone else tells you.

Let this verse sink into your head!  Repeat it and repeat it until you believe it then repeat it some more.  Psalm 139:14 "You are fearfully and wonderfully made."  God made you.  You ARE special!  You ARE beautiful inside and out!  You HAVE something to offer that no one else can offer!  There is someone out there who needs what only you can give them!!!!!!  YOU MATTER!!!!!

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