It’s that time of year again. Can you believe it? August AND back to school time. This time of year can stir up a lot of feelings for a variety of individuals. In this day and time, we have kids who go to public and private schools. We have stay-at-home moms and dads. We have home schooling. We have caregivers/parents/guardians who work as well. Along with the variety of individuals as well as the variety of schooling, people can have a lot of anxiety as well as depression.

Clothing is just as bad. Some schools require uniforms which cannot obviously be purchased easily although it is getting better than it used to be. Some schools have a dress code regarding the sayings on T-shirts, how short you can wear your shorts, and how much shoulder you can show with girls tops. There are even schools where you cannot wear certain colors due to gang problems.
Now, if you home school obviously some of this may not apply. However, you have to get organized from a teacher’s point of view. You have to be prepared on things you want to teach and supplies you have to buy. She have to work on managing teaching time as well has keep up a household.
Then there is another issue maybe not talked about as much which is stress because their children are going back to school and they will be all alone. Many moms and dads are excited the kids are going back to school so the house will be less cluttered and quieter and the electric bill may even go down from the doors opening and closing all the time. Some people have anxiety and depression because their children are going back to school. The feelings of not being needed surface. Sometimes having an idle mind or being alone is difficult.
Here are some ideas to help you in some of these areas no matter which way you feel:
· Get someone to do your school supply shopping for you (as a grandma I enjoy doing that)
· Shop on line for school supplies and clothes
· Make a lunch date with a friend and do it together
· If you aren’t an organized person, find someone who loves to do that and have them help or do it for you
· If you don’t like being alone, find an activity to do during school hours when you kids are at school
· Make a new friend
· Volunteer
· Work on holiday things now so you aren’t so stressed out at holiday time. If you get started on it now, you will be able to enjoy the holidays and be less stressed then
· Read
· Find new recipes
· Find a project
These can be difficult times for different reasons. Since you already know certain things cause anxiety and/or depression, your best plan of action is to plan ahead. This will help keep you in a good place!!!
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