Some people have a lot of friends. Some have just acquaintances. Some have none. I guess it depends on your definition of a friend. My definition of a friend is someone who loves you no matter what. They may not agree with everything you say or do, but they are your friend anyway. They laugh with you, cry with you and encourage you. They don't make fun of you or put you down. It is hard to find these kind of friends. Those of us who have dealt with depression and its shame find it very hard to confide in anyone because we are afraid they will believe in the stigma about depression. I've been hurt by people so it was extremely hard for me to get close to anyone. It took years and years to find a friend I could confide in about all the problems I was having and all that went along with depression i.e. anger, uncontrollable tears, sadness, no enthusiasm, no hope, etc. I have prayed for friends for years. It took awhile, but God answered my prayers! When I finally found someone I felt comfortable enough to share my feelings with, there was no condemnation. I was able to share things with them and I felt accepted. When I was accepted, depression and all, there was this relief. Of course, the depression didn't just go away, but I didn't feel like I had to hide anymore. I had at least one person to talk with, to laugh and cry with, and to get encouragement from. I encourage you to find at least one person you can do this with. Pray for a friend to come into your life who can encourage you. It will help you in so many ways! I can almost say for certain that each of you reading this has at least one person in your life who loves you for who you are and I bet they would love to help you!!!
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