This show is based on a high school teenagers time in high school. So, guess who is watching it? You are right, our children/teenagers. Since I am so passionate about helping people with depression and thoughts of suicide, I was intrigued by this show. I wanted to see what it was all about and form my own opinion. I have to say the story line drew me in and I can also see why our children, hopefully 13 and up, are watching this show. It is because they can relate to it; NO, not trying to commit suicide, but it is relatable to what goes on in some of their daily lives.
This show talks about:

* Bullying
* Peer pressure
* Alcohol
* Sex
* Gay/Lesbians
* Rape
* Lies
* Cutting
This show is extremely graphic, has a lot of bad language, fighting, and more. It is hard to watch at times. If it was a movie, I would not watch it because of everything in it. However, I saw some of the same things happen to the person who committed suicide as to the feelings I have felt.
* I have felt like people were talking behind my back.
* I have felt like no one liked me.
* I have felt peer pressure even as an adult.
* I have felt like I was never good enough.
* I have felt I should do more to make others happy.
* I have felt like others would be better off without me around.
I have had each of these feelings as a child, teenager, and as an adult. You see depression isn't just in adults. These young people struggle with so many things. As adults, most of us don't understand how to handle what we are feeling. Many of us are embarrassed to admit we need help let alone get help so if we have trouble coping, you know they have to.
Most children/teenagers don't understand how they feel or what they are feeling so therefore, why should we expect them to know how to manage these feelings. It is our responsibility as parents, mentors, etc to help them. We need to help them understand what they are feeling and how to manage it. I believe we should let them know it is okay to have feelings, but suicide is not the way out.
For me, this show is just a reminder of the struggles for any of us, adults or kids. Again, suicide should not be the option for any of us. No matter what you are going through, THERE IS A WAY OUT!!
There are people who care and people you can reach out too:
Suicide Hotlines
Crisis Hotlines
Al-Anon Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous Groups
National Alliance of Mental Health Groups.