I don't want to sound negative, but I want to be real. I've been contemplating this blog for several days. Most Blogs and Facebook posts are full of encouragement. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that; WE ALL NEED AS MUCH ENCOURAGEMENT AND POSITIVITY IN OUR LIVES AS WE CAN GET! However, life is really really hard sometimes.
The difficulties do not have to be huge to make a major change in our lives. Hmm, huge; that depends on your perspective.
Obviously, huge could be:
- Loss of a loved one
- A major illness
- Loss of a job
- Addictions
But huge can also be:
- Not wanting to fake being happy today because you're really not
- Forcing yourself to go to work
- Defeating thoughts in your head telling you 'what's the use of trying'
- Feelings of sadness, but you don't know why
- Frustration with yourself because you're not where you want to be, but you really don't have the desire or motivation to get there
- No motivation to do anything; not even think
I admire people who have a positive attitude and can encourage themselves. I am an encourager, but I find it much easier to encourage others. I find it very hard to encourage myself, but with God's help I'm getting better.
My pastor often says when you preach or teach on something it is usually because you need it yourself. I find this true personally as well. As I was thinking about all the things that get posted on Facebook or Blogs, I realized people are stating what they believe but also what they want to believe in.